Betye Saar


Betye Saar (b. 1926 Los Angeles) is a visual storyteller and artist known for her work in assemblage. Saar is also as an accomplished printmaker and her work is symbolic exploring themes of identity, time, memory, race, spirituality and the connectedness between different cultures. In the 1970s Saar was a part of the Black Arts Movement and her work is considered political, challenging stereotypes about race and femininity. Saar continues to create significant contributions to the history of American art as an African American female artist with a career spanning over the past six decades.



Let’s create an ‘assemblage’ work of art inspired by Betye Saar! Assemblage: a work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects.

  1. Gather small objects around your home, neighborhood and in nature that are interesting or have some special meaning to you

  2. Take old newspapers or magazines to cut-out interesting pictures and words

  3. Find a discarded box or piece of cardboard and begin to arrange your objects, pictures

    and words inside

  4. Once you have arranged your objects to your liking, combine them together with glue

    to create your assemblage!

  5. Be sure to share your work of art and explain the story, memories and symbols behind

    each of your objects and why you chose them.


  • Box (cardboard, shoe, or other)

  • Found objects

  • Old magazines or newspapers

  • Glue

  • Scissors

Follow Up

What objects did you choose? Why?
Which was the most meaningful? Which was the most interesting to discover?
Are there any memories or stories behind the objects you chose?
How did you begin to arrange the objects?
What images and words did you cut out?
Did you enjoy arranging everything together?
What was that process like for you?
Did you edit or add any objects? How did you combine the objects together?
When you glued everything into your box was your finished artwork what you expected?
What story can you tell about your artwork? About your assemblage?

Black Girl's Window, 1969

Black Girl's Window, 1969


“I am intrigued with combining the remnant of memories, fragments of relics and ordinary objects, with the components of technology. It's a way of delving into the past and reaching into the future simultaneously.”

- Betye Saar


Carmen Herrera